Save the Displaced Homemaker's Fund.
The Legislature on May 5th raided the Displaced Homemakers Trust Fund and agreed to eliminate the program as part of something called a conforming bill. They tied it to Visit Florida and Enterprise Florida.
The founder of The Centre for Women, the late Senator Helen Gordon Davis, led the way in setting up the Displaced Homemakers Trust Fund 40 years ago to help women acquire skills necessary to gain employment and lead financially independent lives. Hundreds of women have been helped through this program.
We reached out to the Governor in 2014 when he vetoed the line item in the state budget for the Displaced Homemakers. Our funding was eliminated and it was thankfully restored the following year.
While the term “Displaced Homemakers” may seem passe’ the need for this type of employment counseling is essential for the vulnerable population we serve. For 40 years, we have been helping women in transition who need the extra support and counseling that they will not find at a one-stop, workforce development agency.
They need your help. Please use this link to read more and sign the petition to help save this vital program.